Looking for a speaker or educator for a workshop or seminar?
Both of our Naturopathic doctors have experience providing in-person and virtual seminars, workshops, and other educational experiences. They love speaking both individually, and as a team, to businesses, groups, and more.
Below are some frequent topics that they write and speak on, however, they love coming up with custom topics if you have something in mind that would serve your event best!
Please contact us below if you are interested in setting up an event with one or both of our Naturopathic Doctors and we will get back to you shortly.
Potential Workship / Seminar Topics
Men's Health
Dr. Rory is passionate about speaking to men about their health. Mood, strength, performance, energy, libido and longevity are just a few topics that he frequently educates about.
Corporate Wellness
We love educating employees and employers on how to optimize their health. Some topics include improving energy and productivity, reducing brain fog, nutrition tips, reducing sick days, and more!
Women's Health
Dr. Ally has spoken on a variety of topics regarding Women’s health including supporting energy for moms, hormone optimization, sleep and mood support, and more.